100 Years of service to our community, state and nation
December 13, 1919, The American Legion Kiltonic Post 72 was officially founded. Our founding was following the war that was to end all wars, a group of veterans, many of whom put up personal property as collateral, began the post, to support our fellow veterans, keep those fallen in memory and service to our community. 99 Years later, here we are, continuing the service to community state and nation. As we enter our 100th year, we want to take a look back at our history, our programs that make us who we are and where we want to be in the future. We have several events that will be taking place over the next year, to celebrate and remember our last hundred years. From a Centennial Year Book, which will focus on our history and programs, to a gala to celebrate our history and a centennial program that will focus on our history, past and present.
The following are some key dates to keep in mind:
November 9, 2019 - American Legion Kiltonic Post 72 – Centennial Gala – Aqua Turf
December 13, 2019 – American Legion Kiltonic Post 72 – Centennial Program – 100 Years to the day of
our founding – Post Hall
We are looking for volunteers to help us with the Centennial Year book as well as the planning of the gala and program. Please contact either myself or any of the other members of the Centennial Committee and we will gladly welcome your assistance.
The following are some key dates to keep in mind:
November 9, 2019 - American Legion Kiltonic Post 72 – Centennial Gala – Aqua Turf
December 13, 2019 – American Legion Kiltonic Post 72 – Centennial Program – 100 Years to the day of
our founding – Post Hall
We are looking for volunteers to help us with the Centennial Year book as well as the planning of the gala and program. Please contact either myself or any of the other members of the Centennial Committee and we will gladly welcome your assistance.